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Overcoming regulatory hurdles for plant-based feed additives

Put your regulatory pathway in good hands
The growing animal feed additives market, combined with surging interest from consumers in plant-based products, offers a significant opportunity for developers. However, launching such products and maintaining market access involves navigating complex EU and US regulations. Fortunately, there are actions developers can take to streamline the path to regulatory success.
This white paper explores how developers can successfully and efficiently secure regulatory approval to maximise their return on investment.
What you will find in this free white paper:
- Deciphering the regulatory framework in the EU
- Navigating the regulatory landscape in the US
- The regulatory challenges for producers
- Understanding and keeping up with regulations
- Constructing comprehensive and high-quality dossiers
- Maintaining regulatory compliance post-approval
- Geographical nuances: upholding brand reputation
- Pre-empting and overcoming regulatory challenges
Argenta delivers high-quality products and services to our global animal health and nutrition partners. Our unique 'molecule to market' approach means that we can partner comprehensively across a product's complete development cycle or step in where we add the most value — from concept to commercialisation.